
MRRC Google Groups
Two Google Groups are used to serve the needs of the Mississippi River Research Consortium’s members. These groups are great for exchanging ideas and information with fellow MRRC members, receiving updates about the annual meeting, and communicating with the MRRC Board of Directors.

MRRC Members Group
The MRRC Members group serves all individuals on the Mississippi River Research Consortium contact list and it is intended to enhance communication and collaboration. All group members can post and respond to email messages about upcoming events and issues, post job announcements, and connect with other group members.

Sign Up for MRRC Members Group

To subscribe to this group click here and then click on the link “Subscribe to this group”. After entering your email address and clicking “subscribe” you will receive a confirmation email (check your junkmail if it does not appear in your inbox). Follow the directions in the confirmation email to complete your subscription to the group.

Update Profile Settings for MRRC Members Group

To promote transparency and collaboration, group members must follow these steps to edit their profile name for this group:

Post to the MRRC Members Group

You can create, read and respond to posts using the web forum or your email client.

User Guidelines for the MRRC Members Group

Inappropriate Postings
Please keep your messages on point and follow proper netiquette. All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials are strictly prohibited. Proper etiquette applies for all postings. Do not challenge, attack, taunt, or otherwise inflame others. The group is a community, and we expect users to treat each other with respect. The Board of Directors reserves the right to remove inappropriate messages and deny access to individuals that misuse the group.

MRRC Board Group
The MRRC Board group serves the Mississippi River Research Consortium’s Board of Directors.  Its primary purpose is to enhance communication among board members. The Board of Directors consists of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Annual Meeting Program Coordinator, and Student Representative. MRRC members can contact the Board by sending an email to  If you know the email address of a specific MRRC Board member who you want to contact, please use that address.